Prize Henri Pirenne
To celebrate its 175th anniversary, the Royal Historical Commission has decided to introduce a biennial prize – the Henri Pirenne (1862-1935) Prize – as a tribute to this great historian who was the Commission’s active secretary and treasurer from 1907 until his death.
Pirenne Prize (version 06.2024)
1. The prize is aimed at rewarding the author, regardless of nationality, for his/her substantial editing of texts, original or not, considered to be exemplary and relative to the history of Belgium. The edition refers to texts in their original language or languages. The edition can be accompanied by a translation. A modern translation of existing editions will not be considered. It is permitted for the printed works submitted to the jury for assessment to have been published in the Commission’s collections or elsewhere. Unless a request has been made to the Commission, electronic copies must be presented in the form of hard copies. The Commission will accept works written in French, Dutch, German, English, Spanish and Italian
2. The prize, worth two thousand euros, will be awarded every two years for a work relating either to mediaeval history, the history of modern times or contemporary history. If the work presented has been printed, it must have been published during the six years preceding application to the competition. The registration of copyright date will act as proof.
3. Candidates must apply before 1st of June, with the postmark serving as proof. For this purpose, they must send two copies of the work they are entering as well as a curriculum vitae to the Royal Historical Commission (Palais des Académies, Rue Ducale 1, 1000 Brussels).
4. Members of the Royal Historical Commission may not enter the competition.
5. Each piece of work will be submitted to four commissioners, designated by the Royal Historical Commission. They will draw up a report on the works they have been asked to read. These reports remain confidential. The Royal Historical Commission will decide on a winner after it has read all the reports. If none of the works meet its scientific criteria, the Royal Historical Commission may decide not to award the prize. In this case, the amount will not be carried forward.
6. If the work awarded the prize is original, the Royal Historical Commission has the right to publish it in its collections if it so wishes. In this case, the author promises to take into account any possible remarks made by the commissioners in the final edition.
7. No appeal can be made against the decisions of the Royal Historical Commission. It reserves the right to interpret the present regulations as it sees fit.

René Vermeir, Recueil des ordonnances des Pays-Bas, Deuxième série, Règne de Philippe IV (1621-1665), Brussel, Commission royale pour la publication des Anciennes Lois et Ordonnances de Belgique – Koninklijke Commissie voor de uitgave der Oude Wetten en Verordeningen van België – Algemeen Rijksarchief en Rijksarchief in de Provinciën – Archives générales du Royaume et Archives de l’État dans les Provinces – Generalstaatsarchiv und Staatsarchive in der Provinz, 4 delen, 2023, 669, 395, 431 et 361 blz.

Claire BILLEN & Marc BOONE
Bans et édits pour la ville de Tournai en temps de peste (1349-1351) – Les transcriptions retrouvées de Frédéric Hennebert, 2021, 211 p. (collection grand in-8°, C29, ISBN 978-2-87044-019-3)

El ceremonial en la Corte de Bruselas del siglo XVII. Los manuscritos de Francisco Alonso Lozano, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2018, 271 p. (série grand in-8°, C27. – ISBN 978-2-87044-016-2).

‘Et se en defaloient de cest paiement’. La protection contre le risque de défaut à Ypres au XIIIe siècle, mémoire de maîtrise en Histoire, Université catholique de Louvain, 2016, 2 vol., 363 p.

À la mode italienne. Commerce de luxe et diplomatie dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux, 1477-1530. Édition critique de documents de la Chambre des Comptes de Lille, Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion – Archives départementales du Nord, 2013, 471 p.

Pieter Bladelin, de Rijselse Rekenkamer en de stichting van Middelburg-in-Vlaanderen (ca. 1444-1472). De ambities van een opgeklommen hofambtenaar versus de bescherming van het vorstelijke domein, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2012, cxlv + 311 p.

La correspondance de Marie de Hongrie avec Charles Quint et Nicolas de Granvelle. Tome I: 1532 et années antérieures, Turnhout, Brepols, 2009, xlv+641 p.

Godfried CROENEN
De oorkonden van de familie Berthout (1212-1425), série in-4° (A75)